SIMULTAN [media arh-kahyv] —
The SIMULTAN [media arh-kahyv] proposes the (re)constitution of an online database, a digital archive based mainly on the video works presented at the Simultan festival, but also of other documentary materials (video and audio) starting with 2005 and until now. — is an artists-run organization founded in 2005, acting as an open platform for interdisciplinary projects, research and artistic experimentations.
The organization is running (until 2005) an annual festival called SIMULTAN, dedicated to video art, experimental music and sound and also developing research based or site-specific projects, public space interventions, curating exhibitions, live events, talks or workshops.
The themes and methods include: stylistic eclecticism, the relationship between man and automatization, recycling or ecological subjects, dry – digital lyricism, the fusion of acoustic and electronic instruments, expanded cinema, live jovial sound collages, reflecting on the political aspects of sound.
Levente Kozma, Alin Rotariu, Florin Fara, Raluca Rotariu, Eva Kozma, Luiza Alecsandru, Alina Doros, Alex Iliescu (layout), Costin Bleotu & Andrei Dracea (programing/development)
The database was created with the professional support of the C3 Center for Culture and Communication.
The Administration of The National Cultural Fund

The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not to be held responsible for the content of the project, nor for the ways in which the results of the project might be used. Those are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the grant.
Timiș County Council

The archive / catalogue provides access to metadata and in most cases to media material as well related to over 800 artworks (most times in full length and high resolution, or rarely low resolution full length, or as a 30 sec. excerpt, depending on the agreement with the artist).
- under the catalogue you can find info as:
Festival editions, by year
Works Type (genre)
Year of creation
Country of origin
- then, quick acces to the:
Collections (festival editions)
List A-Z (all entries in the database in alphabetical order)
Keywords (in alphabetical order, but please note that this is a work in progress, therefore not all titles are annotated with keywords yet)